Saturday, December 27, 2014

Soap Making

Back in October I went to a Mennonite community to purchase some produce and I came across some delightful homemade oatmeal, honey, almond soap. OMG I am now such a fan of homemade soap making. I attempted to sort of "home make" soap the other day. I found an easy recipe that anyone can follow and make soap easily. The other recipes that are "legit" soap making include lye which is hard to get your hands on since it is used for explosives. That would be a situation for a teacher to have to explain to someone why she is purchasing explosive materials to make her own soap. Yikes. I don't need that on my rap sheet. Here are the steps to make the soap.

Firs,t I purchased a goats milk soap base block from Hobby Lobby. I also purchased honey almond flavor from there as well.

Next, you may add your own oatmeal, if you would like some exfoliation. You can also add vitamin E oil for added moisture.

Cut the goats milk into blocks and put it into a bowl and nuke it for about a minute and a half. Add your flavor (about 15 drops). If you are into the essential oil kick you can also use those. Add half a cup to a cup of oats depending on how much you want. At this point you can add the vitamin E oil as well. Now stir it up. It should be all liquid at this point. You can use soap molds, but I went the cheap route and used bread loaf pans and wax/saran wrap. Put it in the freezer and let it cool and congealed. Then you just slice the bars into whatever size you prefer. Good luck and enjoy!

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