Friday, April 3, 2015

4th Grade Funky Town's Schedule

Welcome to my first link up with Lucky Little Learners for a brand new monthly linky called #2getherwearebetter. I am a 4th grade teacher in a Title 1 school in Georgia.I have 28 students in my class below is what our crazy schedule looks like.  

8:10-8:25 During this time the bell rings for students to come into classes. I normally greet them every morning at the door. At this time, I can assess the kind of day we will have by the state of mind the kids are in. They come in and take out their morning work folders and get busy. During this time they also are suppose to finish any homework that their parent's couldn't help them with. We have morning television announcements on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we watch CNN student news on the Smartboard. I have created morning work products for my students and you can find them here:

Common Core: Language Arts: Morning Work Week 1-6
This is for week 1-6. There are other sets that are sold for the other weeks. Go check them out. 

8:25-10:00 During this time my challenge students leave and my EIP math groups. Both groups are pulled out for specialized instruction. At this time I teach from a new math curriculum called Engage NY. Our math coach found this curriculum and we began teaching in in late September. It is very rigorous for our students, but I like and the kids do too.

10:00-10:25 We have a program for literacy and it is very strict. During this time we do our reading mini lesson. I usually read a book for our read aloud and teach a mini lesson on the topic being covered for the week.

10:25-11:10 We complete our guided reading during this time. This year is different than years past. Each fourth grade teacher teaches homogeneous groups of leveled reading. For example I teach levels S,T,U,V which is the highest readers in fourth grade. This group is around 30 students. They read independently when I am not meeting with their groups. 

11:10-11:15 We switch our students back to their homeroom teacher and walk down to the lunch room.

11:15-11:35 Lunch

11:35-11:50 Recess. Normally I go out at 11:50 and if the weather is nice I give the students an extra five minutes. Luckily at our school teachers do not have lunch or recess duty.

11:50-12:00 We walk back to the classroom which is on the third floor which is quite a trek from the playground. 

12:00-12:15 We complete our grammar work or language arts standards.

12:15-12:45 During this time we complete what we call Buddy Study. Buddy Study is our leveled spelling groups that we teach. I teach the second grade principles to our fourth grade students. There is another blog post that details out Buddy Study. 

12:45-1:45 Writing time. We usually do a writing genre for each term. This year I taught informational first term, narrative second term, reader's response third term and fourth will be persuasive. Students write in their writer's notebooks.

1:50-2:40 Specials. Our specials are designed so that the students stay in the same special for an entire week before switching with the exception of PE each Wednesday.

2:40-3:30 I teach Social Studies to my students and another teacher's students. The teacher I switch students with teaches mine Science. If my kids go to Science for the day then we pack up early and students take their book bags with them.